Source code for pysecret.sh_helper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Shell script variable support. Read and write syntax like ``export key="value"``
in shell script.

import os
import re

export_pattern = re.compile('export [a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,128}="[\d\D]{1,128}"')
"""Limitation, key, value length can't be greater than 128. 

[docs]def append_line_if_not_exists(path: str, line: str): """ Append a line to a text file at `path` if the line not exists in its content. :param path: text file absolute path :param line: text string. :return: None """ if not os.path.exists(path): # pragma: no cover with open(path, "wb") as f: f.write("".encode("utf-8")) if "\n" in line: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("'\\n' should not be in the line") # check if the line exists striped_line = line.strip() with open(path, "rb") as f: content ="utf-8") flag_endswith_new_line = content.endswith("\n") or content.endswith("\n\r") for line_ in content.split("\n"): if striped_line in line_: return with open(path, "ab") as f: if flag_endswith_new_line: # pragma: no cover f.write((line + "\n").encode("utf-8")) else: # pragma: no cover f.write(("\n" + line + "\n").encode("utf-8"))
[docs]def load_var_value_from_shell_script_content(content: str) -> dict: """ Extract variable definition such as ``export var="value"`` from shell script content text. :param content: text content of a shell script :return: """ # find possible text token candidate_line_list = list() for line in content.split("\n"): line_striped = line.strip() for item in re.findall(export_pattern, line_striped): if item == line: candidate_line_list.append(item) results = dict() for item in candidate_line_list: # validate line if item.startswith("export ") and ('="' in item) and item.endswith('"'): item = item[7:] key, value = item.split("=", 1) value = value[1:-1] results[key] = value return results
[docs]def load_var_value_from_shell_script(path_shell_script: str) -> dict: """ Extract ``export key="value"`` key value data from a shell script. :param path_shell_script: shell script absolute path :return: key value pair dictionary data """ if not os.path.exists(path_shell_script): return {} with open(path_shell_script, "rb") as f: content ="utf-8") return load_var_value_from_shell_script_content(content)