Source code for pysecret.js_helper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import typing as T
from pathlib import Path
from re import findall

[docs]def create_json_if_not_exists(path: str): """ Create an empty json file if not exists """ p = Path(path) if p.exists() is False: p.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) p.write_text("{}")
[docs]def set_value( data: dict, json_path: str, value: T.Any, ) -> dict: """ Set a field in dictionary data using JSON path syntax. :param data: the dictionary data :param json_path: the dot notation JSON path syntax, for example: ".key", ".key1.key2.key3" :param value: the changed data TODO: add array index support """ if json_path.startswith("."): if json_path == ".": return value else: json_path = json_path[1:] paths = json_path.split(".") path_length = len(paths) dct = data for ind, key in enumerate(paths): if ind == (path_length - 1): dct[key] = value else: dct.setdefault(key, {}) dct = dct[key] return data
[docs]def get_value( data: dict, json_path: str, ) -> T.Any: """ Get the value of a field in dictionary data using JSON path syntax. :param data: the dictionary data :param json_path: the dot notation JSON path syntax, for example: TODO: add array index support """ if json_path.startswith("."): if json_path == ".": return data else: json_path = json_path[1:] paths = json_path.split(".") value = data for key in paths: value = value[key] return value
[docs]def del_key( data: dict, json_path: str, ): """ Delete a field in dictionary data using JSON path syntax. :param data: the dictionary data :param json_path: the dot notation JSON path syntax, for example: TODO: add array index support """ paths = json_path.split(".") for key in paths[:-1]: data = data[key] del data[paths[-1]]
[docs]def strip_comment_line_with_symbol( line: str, comment_symbol: str, ) -> str: # pragma: no cover """ Strip comments from line string. :param line: the single line string that you want to strip out comments. :param comment_symbol: the comment char that indicate that the comment starts from. :return: the single line string with comment removed. """ parts = line.split(comment_symbol) counts = [len(findall(r'(?:^|[^"\\]|(?:\\\\|\\")+)(")', part)) for part in parts] total = 0 for nr, count in enumerate(counts): total += count if total % 2 == 0: return comment_symbol.join(parts[: nr + 1]).rstrip() else: # pragma: no cover return line.rstrip()
[docs]def strip_comments( text: str, comment_symbols=frozenset(("#", "//")), ) -> str: # pragma: no cover """ Strip comments from json string. :param text: A string containing json with comments started by comment_symbols. :param comment_symbols: Iterable of symbols that start a line comment (default # or //). :return: the multi line text with the comments removed. """ lines = text.splitlines() for k in range(len(lines)): for symbol in comment_symbols: lines[k] = strip_comment_line_with_symbol(lines[k], symbol) return "\n".join(lines)